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Duy trì kiểm soát cuộc sống của bạn

As humans (and especially freelancers), control your life is something most of us consider absolutely necessary to be happy.Most of the time when things go wrong people began to emphasize that their lives are "unhinged", or that they lost this control.
It is absolutely essential that you not let this affect your work orpersonal life. There are ways to avoid its effects, such asdedicated time to relax, pursue personal interests, or (my personal favorite) to create tasks for yourself and clear cutting onof you.
I consider the last two options is most important for freelancers,for two reasons: the creation of clear mission helps ensure youare being produced every day (you are your own boss after all!),and eliminating unnecessary tasks (or set a better schedule)management skills to improve your time and improve your ability to self-employment. So, I will discuss some caveats and examples I've found.



b i u link code


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- Đây là khung soạn thảo mới hỗ trợ chèn biểu tượng cảm xúc, các kiểu chữ (đậm, nghiêng, gạch dưới) hoặc chèn link, code vào phản hồi của bạn
- Sau khi soạn thảo xong, hãy nhấn nút Chọn rồi copy (Ctrl + C) và paste (Ctrl + V) vào khung viết bình luận.
(c) 2011 http://itdl.blogspot.com

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